Module Highlights
Job Referral System
1. Contractor Job Information
* Location/Job Length/Request Date
* Job Begin Date
* Job Type
2. Membership Referrals
* Accept/Refusals, Reason for Refusal
* Variances
* Start/End Dates
3. Call Tracking
* Date/Time of Call and Responses
4. Job & Referral Lists
5. Work Refusal Reports
6. Refusal Statistics Reporting
Certificates Training School Module
1. Course Information
* Certificates, Expirations
* Mandatory Flag
* Class Date/Time
2. Instructor / Location
3. Attendance & Status (Show/No Show, etc.)
4. Renewal Dates
5. Mulit-Day Training Schedule
6. Microsoft Excel Report Integration
7. TrainLink Module (Training School System Link)
Skills & Certificates Reporting
1. Track membership skills & certificates
2. Query and reporting particular skills & certificates with conditional filtering
3. Selection criteria based on Out of Work, Gender, Race, etc.
Work Hours & Assessment Tracking
1. Tracks Contractor Assessment & Delinquencies
2. Tracks Membership Work Hours, including apprentices
3. Tracks Membership Dispatches
4. Daily, Monthly, Yearly Reports
5. LM-2 Reporting
6. District Council Reports
7. Work Assessment Statements
Meetings Attendance
1. Tracks membership meeting attendance by month
2. Monthly & Yearly Reports
Service Pins
1. Tracks the receipt of membership service pins from 5 year members to 75 year members
2. Goldcard Membership Assessments
3. Service Pin Eligibility Reporting
Out of Work & Check-In Reporting
1. Generate a list of members who are out of work based on International regulations and other business rule logic.
2. Track multiple dates and times members call the office to notify they have been laid off and/or are still out of work.
Electronic Per Capita Tax Reporting (E-PCT)
1. Automatically tracks Per Capita Tax information for monthly reporting, such as Suspensions, Readmissions, Retirements, Transfers, etc.
2. International’s approved E-PCT File Transfer
3. Preview & Archive Monthly Per Capita Tax Information
4. Automatically generate, encrypt, and send E-PCT File to International
5. Automatically send emails to International & Print FAX Cover Page
Dispatch Reporting
1. Generate a list of members who are working for contractors including dispatch dates.
2. Reports organized (sorted) by both Member & Contractor
Folio Comparison
1. Electronically compare TrackIt! Folio to International’s Folio
2. Generate comparison report highlighting differences for easy updating
3. Creates an Exception report that is sent back so International can update their information
Fund Office Data Bridge
1. Electronically Transfer Membership phone, address and status changes to the Fund Office
2. Automatically import contractor remittances and membership work hours transferred from the Fund Office System
Equal Employment Opportunity Reporting
1. Generate Annual EEO Reports
* EEO Summary Report (DOL Format)
* Detail Report – Member’s who make up each group
* User Selectable 2 Month Span for Report
Accounting Link for QuickBooks
1. Transfer Data (avoid double entry)
* Dues Payments by Year
- Journeyman
- Apprentice
- Retirees
* Initiation, Readmission and Misc. Fees
2. Customized Income and Expense Reporting
3. Archive & Batch Reporting
Standard Reports
1. Dues Delinquency Reporting with 30/60/Suspension Letters
2. Certificate Renewals
3. History, Paid Thru & Check-In Reporting
4. Address / Phone Reports & Labels
5. Daily, Monthly and Yearly Assessment Reports
6. Member & Contractor Status Reports
7. Dues & Assessment Intake Reports
8. LM2 Reporting
9. Eligibility Reports
10. Out of Work Lists (Posting, Detail including Certification)
11. District Council Reporting
12. Skills & Certificates Query & Reporting
13. Change of Address & Phone Numbers
14. Training Class Reports
15. Course Lists
16. Ad-Hoc Report Module & More…..